• Elegante Cassetta di legno da 4 bottiglie, contenente 4 bottiglie di pregiati prodotti Marini. Un ottima idea regalo per Natale e per ogni altra occasione. La cassetta contiene: 1 bottiglia di "Villa Paternino" Chianti DOCG Riserva 2016 UVAGGIO: 80% Sangiovese, 20% altri vitigni a bacca rossa AFFINAMENTO: 2 anni tra vasca di cemento e Barriques GRADO ALCOLICO: 13,5% vol. 1 bottiglia di Olio Extravergine di Oliva Toscano IGP PRODUZIONE: 2023 AREA DI PRODUZIONE: Pistoia (Toscana) CULTIVAR OLIVI: Leccio, Frantoio, Pendolino, Moraiolo PERIODO DI RACCOLTA: Ottobre-Novembre con pressatura entro 24 ore dalla raccolta nel nostro oleificio METODO DI ESTRAZIONE: Ciclo continuo freddo. 1 bottiglia di Vin Santo del Chianti DOC Riserva 2017 UVAGGIO: Trebbiano Toscano e Malvasia del Chianti AFFINAMENTO: 4 anni in legno, 1 anni tra vasca e bottiglia GRADO ALCOLICO: 16,5% vol. 1 bottiglia di SaviuM Bianco di Toscana IGT 2022 UVAGGIO:Pinot bianco 45%, Chardonnay 45%, Sauvignon 10% AFFINAMENTO: su fecce fini per alcuni mesi in vasche di cemento. GRADO ALCOLICO: 13% vol. Non lasciarti scappare questa occasione, per un regalo davvero speciale!!!
  • Sale!
    Festeggia il prossimo Natale, gustando i nostri vini autentici e genuini, che sapranno accompagnere al meglio i vostri pranzi e cene. La scatola contiene: n.2 bottiglie di Savium Bianco di Toscana IGT 2022 Uvaggio:Pinot bianco 45%, Chardonnay 45%, Sauvignon 10% Affinamento: su fecce fini per alcuni mesi in vasche di cemento. Grado Alcolico: 13,5% vol. n.2 bottiglie di Chianti DOCG 2021 Uvaggio: 100% Sangiovese Affinamento: in vasche di cemento vetrificato Grado Alcolico: 13,5% vol. n.2 bottiglie di Birbante Rosso di Toscna IGT 2021 Uvaggio: Merlot 60%, Sangiovese 40% Affinamento: Sangiovese in vasche dei cemento ed il Merlot in Barrique per alcuni mesi Grado Alcolico: 14,5% vol.
  • Esaurito
    Prodotti cosmetici di alta qualità, adatti soprattutto per la vostra bellezza, racchiusi in una graziosa borsetta di yuta. Dall’olio extravergine d’oliva, una linea di prodotti ricca di proprietà per la cura e il benessere di tutta la famiglia. Ideali sia per il viso che per il corpo, i cosmetici  firmati Marini detergono e idratano rispettando ogni tipo di pelle, perché realizzati con ingredienti naturali. Nella borsetta di yuta troverete i seguenti prodotti: Saponetta Balsamo Shampoo Doccia Crema Corpo Crema Mani Crema Viso Anti-Age    
  • Esaurito

    Idea Regalo – I Dolci tipici delle Feste

    Graziosa idea regalo contenente I Dolci tipici delle Feste. Una golosa idea regalo per Natale e non solo. I prodotti contenuti nella borsetta di yuta , sono i seguenti: Biscotti Marini Biscotti la cui ricetta è arricchita con l'Olio Extravergine di Oliva ed il Vin Santo Marini Confezione da 250 gr Bottoni Fondente Cioccolato Extra Fondente 60% cacao della Slitti - Monsummano T.me (PT) Confezione da 150 gr Gelatina di Vin Santo gelatina a base di Vin Santo del Chianti molto buona con i formaggi. Vasetto da 120 gr. Panforte il dolce speziato della tradizione Nataliza in Toscana dell'azienda Mati di Lamporecchio (PT) Confezione da 250 gr Cavallucci biscotto speziato della tradizione Natalizia toscana adatto sia ai vegani che agli intolleranti al lattosio dell'azienda Mati di Lamporecchio (PT) Confezione da 300 gr. Tutti questi prosotti sono a km0 e di ottima qualità, attentamente selezionati dalla nostra azienda.    
  • Il Vin Santo del Chianti DOC, come da tradizione toscana, è un vino che racchiude in sé tante particolarità, a partire dal significato del nome ed il caratteristico  processo produttivo, che inizia con la scelta delle migliori uve (Trebbiano e Malvasia) poste in Vinsantaia ad appassire per alcuni mesi. Per la famiglia Marini il Vin Santo rappresenta al meglio la passione e la dedizione con cui produce vini da generazioni e con il quale ha ottenuto i maggiori riconoscimenti nazionali ed internazionali. DENOMINAZIONE: Vin Santo del Chianti DOC Riserva UVAGGIO: Trebbiano Toscano e Malvasia del Chianti AFFINAMENTO: 4 anni in legno, 1 anni tra vasca e bottiglia GRADO ALCOLICO: 16,5% vol. CARATTERISTICHE ORGANOLETTICHE: COLORE: Brillante, ambrato con riflessi dorato. PROFUMO: Caratteristico, intenso, armonico, con sentori di frutta secca come datteri e uvetta. SAPORE: Al palato piacevole e di media intensità. La freschezza dell’acidità bilancia il calore dell’alcol. Intenso e lungo nel finale. ABBINAMENTI GASTRONOMICI: Con Pasticceria secca, inseparabile dai “Cantucci di Prato”, dai “Brigidini di Lamporecchio” e dalle Cialde di Montecatini. Si accompagna anche con Pecorino Toscano stagionato e formaggi erborinati. PREMI RICEVUTI: 95/100 al 5StarWines-The Book 2021 Vinitaly - Verona Bottiglia da 50 cl
  • Esaurito

    "OFFERTA SPECIALE" Olio Extravergine di Oliva Toscano IGP

    PRODUZIONE: 2020 Speciale Promozione del nostro Olio Extravergine di Oliva Toscano IGP  produzione 2020. Il lotto di Olio in promozione è Olio Extravergine di Oliva certificato e confezionato come IGP Toscano a Settembre 2021.  La scadenza riportata in etichetta è Marzo 2023 Acidità: 0,22 Perossidi: 7,7 Biofenoli: 889 Tocoferoli: 389 Questi dati sono stati ripresi dalle analisi ufficiali, effettuate dal consorzio di tutela, che potete visualizzare in questo LINK N.B: l'immagine di copertina della promozione è da considerarsi una foto puramente rappresentativa.
    Area di produzione: Pistoia (Toscana) Cultivar Olivi: Leccio, Frantoio, Pendolino, Moraiolo Periodo di Raccolta: Ottobre-Novembre con pressatura entro 24 ore dalla raccolta nel nostro oleificio Metodo di estrazione: Ciclo continuo freddo. Profumo: Caratteristico odore di oliva appena franta, con note erbacee e senotori di carciofo. Sapore: Fruttato medio, con note di carciofo, fragranze erbacee ed una leggera nota di mandorla. Il gusto risulta piacevolmente piccante con un finale gradevolmente amaro dovuto all’elevato numero di polifenoli presenti nell’olio. I polifenoli svolgono azioni antiossidanti per l’uomo e contribuiscono alla longevità dell’olio stesso. Abbinamenti Gastronomici: Eccellente per bruschette, ottimo su legumi e Baccalà (bolliti) come pure su insalate verdi. È il condimento per eccellenza della cucina Toscana. Tabella Nutrizionale: Valori Nutrizionali per 100 ml di prodotto valori medi Valore Energetico: 3389 Kj – 824 Kcal Grassi: 91,6 g di cui Grassi Saturi: 14g Carboidrati: 0g di cui Zuccheri: 0g Fibre: 0g Proteine: 0g Sale: 0g
  • Our Chianti wine is produced with the best grapes of Sangiovese by spontaneous fermentation. Vinification takes place in concrete tanks, with temperature control. Aging in the bottle for a few months before the sale. Name: Chianti DOCG UVAGE: 100% Sangiovese Aging: in vitrified concrete tanks Alcohol content: 13.5% vol. Organoleptic characteristics: Color: brilliant, ruby red, with violet reflections. Aroma: intense, vinous with characteristic hint of mammola and berries. Taste: harmonious, dry, sapid and persistent. Gastronomic combinations: First courses with red sauces. Grilled meats, roasts, medium-aged cheeses, Tuscan ham and salami.
  • The Vin Santo del Chianti, as from Tuscan tradition, is a wine that contains so many peculiarities, starting from the meaning of the name and the characteristic production process, which begins with the choice of the best grapes (Trebbiano and Malvasia) placed in Vinsantaia To air for a few months. For the Marini family, Vin Santo represents the best of the passion and dedication with which it produces wines from generations and with which he obtained major national and international awards. Denomination: Vin Santo del Chianti Doc Reserve UVAGE: Trebbiano Toscano and Malvasia del Chianti Aging: 4 years in wood, 1 years between tub and bottle Alcohol content: 16.5% vol. Organoleptic characteristics: Color: brilliant, amber with golden reflections. Bouquet: characteristic, intense, harmonious, with hints of dried fruit as dates and raisins. Taste: on a pleasant palate and medium intensity. The freshness of acidity balances the heat of alcohol. Intense and long in the final. Gastronomic combinations: with dry pastries, inseparable from the "Cantucci di Prato", from the "Brigidini di Lamporecchio" and from the pods of Montecatini. It also accompanies seasoned Tuscan pecorino and herbal cheeses. Awards received: 95/100 at the 5starwines-the Book 2021 Vinitaly - Verona 50 cl bottle
  • Extra virgin olive oil Tuscan IGP

    Production: 2023 Production area: Pistoia (Tuscany) Cultivar olive trees: leccio, frantoio, pendolino, Moraiolo Harvest period: October-November with pressing within 24 hours of collection in our oil mill Method of extraction: cold continuous cycle. Bouquet: characteristic smell of freshly franked olive, with herbaceous notes and senotors of artichoke. Taste: medium fruity, with artichoke notes, herbaceous fragrances and a slight almond note. The taste is pleasantly spicy with a pleasantly bitter finish due to the high number of polyphenols in the oil. Polyphenols perform antioxidant actions for man and contribute to the longevity of the oil itself. Gastronomic combinations: excellent for bruschetta, excellent on legumes and cod (boiled) as well as green salads. It is the seasoning par excellence of Tuscan cuisine. Nutritional table: Nutritional values ​​for 100 ml of product average values Energy value: 3389 kJ - 824 kcal Fats: 91.6 g of which saturated fats: 14g Carbohydrates: 0g of which sugars: 0g Fibers: 0g Protein: 0g Sale: 0g
  • Denomination: red wine vinegar Average acidity: 7.5% vol. Color: natural red Bouquet: persistent, pungent, acept. Taste: typical acetic aroma. 500 ml bottles.
  • Grappa of Chianti The Chianti Grappa is a distillate obtained from our best pomace of Chianti This grappa recalls in the scent and taste the peculiar notes of the Sangiovese we use for Chianti's production UVAGE: Sangiovese Appearance: crystalline. Bouquet: stimulating, persistent. . Taste: intense, soft, and balanced with slightly fruity final sensations. Alcoholic degree: 43.0% vol. Bottle: 50 cl
  • Denomination: red wine vinegar Average acidity: 7.5% vol. Color: natural red Bouquet: persistent, pungent, acept. Taste: typical acetic aroma. 250 ml bottles.
  • Marini biscuits are almond biscuits whose recipe is enriched with our Vin Santo, our extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of anise. Therefore these biscuits are very similar to the classic Cantuccini, both for their shape and their particular taste. Try them with our Vin Santo del Chianti. Size:  250 gr.
  • Produced through a natural process and with ingredients of the land, our Vin Santo del Chianti DOC jelly goes perfectly with any type of cheese, from Pecorino to Ricotta, but also on meat and steamed fish, you can eat it alone or as a garnish for your preparations.

    Try it with spicy gorgonzola and explore your gourmet, unconventional food pairings!

    The jelly is prepared by boiling wine and sugar, creating a transparent jelly. Alcohol evaporates during the cooking process, leaving all of the flavor of the wine of origin.

    This jelly is produced with our Vin Santo del Chianti DOC, which gives its amber colour, and its unmistakable taste of honey, dried apricot, almond, walnut and fig. It doesn't contain alcohol.

    Ingredients: Vin Santo del Chianti DOC, sugar, jelly agent: fruit pectin. Made without preservatives and dyes.

    Nutritional Information per 100g

    Energy 743/175 KJ/Kcal
    Fat 0g
    Mono-unsatures 0g
    Carbohydrates 43,7g
    Of which sugars 39g
    Fibre 0g
    Proteins 0,02g
    Salt 0,00039g

    Weight: 120g

    Shelf life: 36 months

  • The Vin Santo del Chianti, as from Tuscan tradition, is a wine that contains so many peculiarities, starting from the meaning of the name and the characteristic production process, which begins with the choice of the best grapes (Trebbiano and Malvasia) placed in Vinsantaia To air for a few months. For the Marini family, Vin Santo represents the best of the passion and dedication with which it produces wines from generations and with which he obtained major national and international awards. Denomination: Vin Santo del Chianti Doc Reserve UVAGE: Trebbiano Toscano and Malvasia del Chianti Aging: 4 years in wood, 1 years between tub and bottle Alcohol content: 14.5% vol. Organoleptic characteristics: Color: brilliant, amber with golden reflections. Bouquet: characteristic, intense, harmonious, with hints of dried fruit as dates and raisins. Taste: on a pleasant palate and medium intensity. The freshness of acidity balances the heat of alcohol. Intense and long in the final. Gastronomic combinations: with dry pastries, inseparable from the "Cantucci di Prato", from the "Brigidini di Lamporecchio" and from the pods of Montecatini. It also accompanies seasoned Tuscan pecorino and herbal cheeses. Awards received: 86/100 at the 5starwines-the book 2019 Vinitaly - Verona 50 cl bottle
  • Grappa di Vin Santo The Vinsanto Grappa is a distillate obtained from our Vin Santo pomace. He faithfully recalls the main characteristics of the wine from which it originates, transforming every sip into a profound emotion. UVAGE: Trebbiano and Malvasia Appearance: crystalline. Bouquet: stimulating, persistent. . Taste: Round body, soft, of great elegance Alcoholic degree: 43.0% vol. Pairings: Meditation grappa, to drink at the end of the meal as a digestive or accompanied to chocolate cakes. Bottle: 20 cl
  • Our Vin Santo del Chianti Occhio di Pernice follows the production of the Vin Santo del Chianti, with the choice of the best red grapes typical of the territory left to dried naturally, for at least 3 months, in Vinsantaia. The must obtained from the withered grapes is fermented and aging in small barrels oak and chestnut for 4 years. At the end of aging in the wood, the Vin Santo Occhio di Pernice is bottled and left to refine for about a year before sale. The result of a long and patient work, is a sweet, refined and prestigious passito, meditation; Produced only in Tuscany and in very small quantities. NAME: Vin Santo del Chianti Occhio di Pernice Doc Reserve UVAGE: Sangiovese Aging: 4 years in wood, 1 year between tub and bottle Alcoholic degree: 16% vol. Organoleptic characteristics: Color: intense red copper Aroma: harmonious, intense, persistent, with hints of cherry, green pepper and tobacco. Taste: lovable, warm and intense, with hints of chestnut honey and coffee. Gastronomic combinations: given that the best way to savor this wine and drink it alone in a convivial context, can be accompanied by the "Cantucci di Prato", the "Berlingozzo", and the "castagnaccio". Interesting with long-term parmesan and dark chocolate. For lovers of the Tuscan cigar, it is the ideal combination for an evening in front of the fireplace, or in religious silence while listening to classical music. 375 ml bottle
  • Villa Paternino Chianti DOCG Reserve 2016 is a wine that encloses our history in itself, our passion and at the same time, expresses elegance in colors and perfumes. Denomination: Chianti DOCG Reserve UVAGE: 80% Sangiovese, 20% other red berry vines Aging: 2 years in concrete tank and barriques Alcohol content: 13.5% vol. Color: intense ruby red, bright, with purple reflections. Bouquet: pleasant fruity hints of cherry and blackberry. Lightweight spicy note of cinnamon, cloves, data from Merlot aged in the wood. Taste: In the mouth we find the flavor of the ripe cherry. Tannic is good and excellent persistence. Gastronomic combinations: excellent with duck in wet and prisoner (typical Pistoia cuisine dishes). With dishes such as stew it manages to enhance the flavor of the meat, leaving a mouth clean and with a pleasant final.
  • Our Birbante Red Toscana IGT boaring is produced with the best grapes of Merlot and Sangiovese by spontaneous fermentation. Vinification takes place in concrete tanks, with temperature control. Aging in barriques and then in the bottle for a few months before the sale. Denomination: red of Tuscany IGT UVAGE: MERLOT 60%, Sangiovese 40% Aging: Sangiovese in concrete tanks and Merlot in barrique for a few months Alcohol content: 14% vol. Organoleptic characteristics Color: ruby red, with violet reflections. Bouquet: intense, vinous with a slight note of vanilla Taste: harmonious, round, full-bodied and persistent. Gastronomic combinations: Grilled meats, game, peposo, seasoned cheeses. 75 cl bottle
  • Our white of Toscana IGT Savium is a wine produced with our best pinot white grapes, Chardonnay and Sauvignon. Vinification takes place in concrete tanks, with fermentation at a controlled temperature (about 18 ° C.) Denomination: white of Toscana IGT UVAGE: Pinot White 45%, Chardonnay 45%, Sauvignon 10% Aging: on fine lees for a few months in concrete tanks. Alcohol content: 13,5% vol. Organoleptic characteristics Color: brilliant, straw Scent: fruity, delicate, good intensity and persistence Taste: balanced, sapid, full, intense and persistent aftertaste. Gastronomic combinations Excellent as an aperitif, appetizers, first courses, and fish specialties. 75 cl bottle
  • Extra virgin olive oil Tuscan IGP Production: 2023 Production area: Pistoia (Tuscany) Cultivar olive trees: leccio, frantoio, pendolino, Moraiolo Harvest period: October-November with pressing within 24 hours of collection in our oil mill Method of extraction: cold continuous cycle. Bouquet: characteristic smell of freshly franked olive, with herbaceous notes and senotors of artichoke. Taste: medium fruity, with artichoke notes, herbaceous fragrances and a slight almond note. The taste is pleasantly spicy with a pleasantly bitter finish due to the high number of polyphenols in the oil. Polyphenols perform antioxidant actions for man and contribute to the longevity of the oil itself. Gastronomic combinations: excellent for bruschetta, excellent on legumes and cod (boiled) as well as green salads. It is the seasoning par excellence of Tuscan cuisine. Nutritional table: Nutritional values ​​for 100 ml of product average values Energy value: 3389 kJ - 824 kcal Fats: 91.6 g of which saturated fats: 14g Carbohydrates: 0g of which sugars: 0g Fibers: 0g Protein: 0g Sale: 0g
  • Esaurito

    Extra virgin olive oil Tuscan IGP

    Production: 2022 Production area: Pistoia (Tuscany) Cultivar olive trees: leccio, frantoio, pendolino, Moraiolo Harvest period: October-November with pressing within 24 hours of collection in our oil mill Method of extraction: cold continuous cycle. Bouquet: characteristic smell of freshly franked olive, with herbaceous notes and senotors of artichoke. Taste: medium fruity, with artichoke notes, herbaceous fragrances and a slight almond note. The taste is pleasantly spicy with a pleasantly bitter finish due to the high number of polyphenols in the oil. Polyphenols perform antioxidant actions for man and contribute to the longevity of the oil itself. Gastronomic combinations: excellent for bruschetta, excellent on legumes and cod (boiled) as well as green salads. It is the seasoning par excellence of Tuscan cuisine.

    Nutritional table: Nutritional values ​​for 100 ml of product average values Energy value: 3389 kJ - 824 kcal Fats: 91.6 g of which saturated fats: 14g Carbohydrates: 0g of which sugars: 0g Fibers: 0g Protein: 0g

    Sale: 0g

  • Esaurito

    Extra virgin olive oil Tuscan IGP

    Production: 2023 Production area: Pistoia (Tuscany) Cultivar olive trees: leccio, frantoio, pendolino, Moraiolo Harvest period: October-November with pressing within 24 hours of collection in our oil mill Method of extraction: cold continuous cycle. Bouquet: characteristic smell of freshly franked olive, with herbaceous notes and senotors of artichoke. Taste: medium fruity, with artichoke notes, herbaceous fragrances and a slight almond note. The taste is pleasantly spicy with a pleasantly bitter finish due to the high number of polyphenols in the oil. Polyphenols perform antioxidant actions for man and contribute to the longevity of the oil itself. Gastronomic combinations: excellent for bruschetta, excellent on legumes and cod (boiled) as well as green salads. It is the seasoning par excellence of Tuscan cuisine.

    Nutritional table: Nutritional values ​​for 100 ml of product average values Energy value: 3389 kJ - 824 kcal Fats: 91.6 g of which saturated fats: 14g Carbohydrates: 0g of which sugars: 0g Fibers: 0g Protein: 0g

    Sale: 0g

  • Vines: Pinot, Chardonaay, Sauvignon Alcohol content: 13.0% vol. Color: Bright, straw. Bouquet: fruity, delicate, good intensity. Taste: balanced, sapid, full, intense aftertaste. Gastronomic combinations: aperitifs, first courses and fish dishes.
  • Vines: Trebbiano and Malvasia. Alcohol content: 12.0% vol. Color: strawboard. Bouquet: fruity, good intensity. Taste: balanced. Gastronomic combinations: First courses and fish dishes.
  • Vines: Trebbiano and Malvasia. Alcohol content: 12.0% vol. Color: strawboard. Bouquet: fruity, good intensity. Taste: balanced. Gastronomic combinations: First courses and fish dishes.
  • Vines: Sangiovese, Canaiolo and Trebbiano. Alcohol content: 12.0% vol. Color: brilliant, ruby red. Bouquet: intense, vinous. Taste: harmonious, full-bodied. Gastronomic combinations: wine from all meal and combined with grilled meats, roasts and medium-aged cheeses.
  • Vines: Sangiovese, Merlot. Alcohol content: 13.0% vol. Color: brilliant, intense ruby red. Bouquet: intense, vinous. Taste: harmonious, full-bodied. Gastronomic combinations: good intensity wine, suitable for grilling and Florentine steak.
  • Vines: Sangiovese, Merlot. Alcohol content: 13.0% vol. Color: brilliant, intense ruby red. Bouquet: intense, vinous. Taste: harmonious, full-bodied. Gastronomic combinations: good intensity wine, suitable for grilling and Florentine steak.
  • Vines: Sangiovese, Canaiolo and Trebbiano. Alcohol content: 12.0% vol. Color: brilliant, ruby red. Bouquet: intense, vinous. Taste: harmonious, full-bodied. Gastronomic combinations: wine from all meal and combined with grilled meats, roasts and medium-aged cheeses.
  • Our extra virgin olive oil in the lemon is produced simply by working the olives and fresh lemons simultaneously, in our oil mill. The result is an oil particularly rich in lemon fragrances and citrus flavors. This process allows for a condiment with a perfect harmony of fragrances, ideal for enhancing and embellish your favorite dishes. Production area: Pistoia (Tuscany) Category: condiment based on extra virgin olive oil and whole fresh lemon. Method of extraction: cold continuous cycle. Bouquet: pleasant and fresh, with delicate citrus notes. Taste: refined and unmistakable. The lively notes of the essential oils of the lemon peel make it ideal in all uses to raw, but also in cooking in pastry preparations. Gastronomic combinations: ideal for clating grilled meat and fish, perfect in salads and pins. Excellent for the preparation of desserts.
  • Extra virgin olive oil Tuscan IGP

    Production: 2023 Production area: Pistoia, Tuscany Cultivar olive trees: leccio, frantoio, pendolino, Moraiolo Harvest period: October-November, pressing within 24 hours of collection in our oil mill Method of extraction: cold continuous cycle. Bouquet: characteristic smell of freshly franked olive, with herbaceous notes and senotors of artichoke. Taste: medium fruity, with artichoke notes, herbaceous fragrances and a slight almond note. The taste is pleasantly spicy with a pleasantly bitter finish due to the high number of polyphenols in the oil. Polyphenols perform antioxidant actions and contribute to the longevity of the oil itself. Gastronomic combinations: excellent for bruschetta, excellent on legumes and cod (boiled) as well as green salads. It is the seasoning "par excellence" of the Tuscan cuisine. Nutritional table: Nutritional values ​​for 100 ml of product average values Energy value: 3389 kJ - 824 kcal Fats: 91.6 g of which saturated fats: 14g Carbohydrates: 0g of which sugars: 0g Fibers: 0g Protein: 0g Sale: 0g
  • This cream is suitable for every type of skin. It is indicated for normal and mixed skin, due to the absence of greasyness, can Be used even for those who have skin with grease tendency. To apply daily with circular massages. Ideal base for makeup.
  • The well-maintained hands denote about it towards your body and consideration for yourself. This is why you need to reserve daily attention. Nourishing and emoniente thanks to the presence of extra virgin olive oil, it allows to obtain a soft and velvety skin. Protective thanks to the precious intervention of the Allantoin. Very useful even in case of cracks, on particularly dry hands and feet. Tube 75 ml
  • The moisturizing body cream with extra virgin olive oil is a very pleasant emulsion to use after the bath and every time you want to moisturize the skin. Emilette but not greasy, adequately softens the epidermis by refining the texture. Contains extra virgin olive oil, sweet almond oil, organic olive active extract and distilled water of orange flowers. Pack of 250 ml
  • Find out how the extra virgin olive oil soap can help your skin become healthier, younger, more shiny and more elastic. It is among the best detergents, because it does not contain harmful substances and is able to moisturize and exercise an emollient action for the skin. The extra virgin olive oil soap can be used to cleanse the skin and hair. Also suitable for children.
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